On Accounts Check24.de is currently running a new contest on money market accounts. Taking part is easy:
Just answer the following 5 questions in your own blog and then write the link in a comment on the contest page, or send your responses via e-mail and you take automatically entered in the contest:
- it uses a savings account?
- it operates actively overnight hopping to achieve the highest return?
the moment anyway (see answer 1), but otherwise only for a good tip.
- What is the interest on the DKB Cash account?
- How and how often do you get information about changes in interest rates in the money market accounts?
I informed (if I care about, then a day) almost exclusively through friends who have made their savings account to their hobby.
- What is the current best-interest savings account?
The account of the DAB Bank, with 2.30% interest.
rewarding for the winners the following prizes:
- 1 x Apple iPod Nano
- 10 x MP4 player (sponsored by Target Traffic)
- 9 x 10 € Amazon voucher
Here you can find all the detailed info about the raffle.
closing date is 15 May 2010.
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