Furx 04/10/2008
Yesterday was the last race again this season. My motivation was really after 12 races no longer the best but when I arrived in Sulz, and I saw many familiar faces was also the motivation back. I went with the goal that I want to achieve the same time as last year at the start. I started and realized immediately that I am doing very well but I have not exaggerated in the beginning and I was in the steep passages quite good. I could not even two drivers who attacked me again and again to shake off the last km. Once in the end, I was very satisfied with my performance because I had done the same time, although the race was longer by a few meters and a half miles. Hereby I would like to congratulate
the organizer of the successful implementation of the race. It was very familiar and friendly before and after the race.
Photo: http://picasaweb.google.at/felder.reinhard/MTBRennenFurx2009