Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lyndsey Dawn Mackenzie And Her Sister

Ruggburg-Race 09/20/2009 13/09/2009 2009

am today I was at the penultimate race bike for this season but I started a little interference from the big toe is the slightly injured but I thought if I make the time last year I'm satisfied. So we started at 10 clock 30 and I was able to correctly classify the same pace because I knew that it is very steep and I still have the strength or need. As far as the race went really great for me, unfortunately, I failed about 250m before the finish of a flat piece into the steep, the circuit and I came here to crash. I feel like nothing happened I could go on but my time from last year could not offer so I'm like in 2008 arrived with the same period in the target. After the race I I noticed that this year the track was a bit longer and I was really fast as in 2008 and thus I have fulfilled my goal and went happy home. In this way I want to congratulate the organizers thank to this race and he has carried out the helmet law consistently. When Gamp was the bike that is neglected and thus the race was done not regular, too.

Greetings Reinhard

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kate From Kate's Playground Does Harcore


Yesterday I was back at Gamprennen at the start. As usual from the other Race in previous years, it has been raining again this year but that was our mood was great. So we started at 10 ° ° Clock and up to half everything was fine then got hurt in the back and wanted to give up when I cheered a colleague and me to hold persuaded, I drove with great pain to the finish and was able to do anything, nor the time last year's beaten by 5 minutes.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Painful Pee When On Period

Something to that late

but but with the more pleasure I now present my lovingly compiled gnome package.
It is Sandra and schööönes lavender trivial things filled:
An embellished with Serviettentechnick tile (! Was well done), lavender seeds in a pot (unfortunately came the right clay pot on to break), a lavender soap and two times wonderfully soothing pedicure! ;-) The tea bags have already been partially converted into tea and sweets found the direct route into the mouths of my daughters! lol

Dear Sandra, thank you for all the nice, lavender-term pleasures!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pokemon Sapphire Cheats Vba

Tschengla Bike 2009 07/09/2009

Yesterday I am standing for the third time in Tschengla bike at the start and believe it or not it was the first good weather. At 11 clock started the race, the first 1.5 km were driven neutralized Then I drove a steady race to Alpe Rona there overtook I nor the number 58 then I was a time slowed traveling alone and so the pace unconsciously until I saw just before the finish the race number 26 I have accelerated again but it was not able to longer obtain. So I have arrived with a time of 1:26 am in the target Loischkopf. Unfortunately I am not quite satisfied with my time because I have barely improved over previous year. But the race is forgotten and I'm already looking forward Gamp bike at 13:09:09.

greeting Reinhard

Strong Stomach Sitting

late but ...

... I would like to show you my great lavender Imp gift from dear Katrin / blueberry. I have received from her a beautiful lavender Jewelry and delicious blueberry-lavender chocolate.

Thank Love, Katrin, I like it very well indeed!
A big thank you to Brian for the great organization and that I still participate

;-) Best wishes to all

PS: My post is why so late because we have just a construction site at the house and the work is a bit more than we have thought. Soon more of it on my blog.

Corny Things To Say In A Wedding Card

I was a little sad ...

... because Gaby had still not reported. I did not know if she is on holiday, if it did not please her, or she's not doing well ....

But now I looked again in her blog, and lo and behold: There she has pictures of the lavender set gnomes!
Well, it's all good ...

love Gaby-nice that you like the stuff!

love from Grittli

Friday, September 4, 2009

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love Britney!

love Britta

I express my sincere thank you for your great organization and effort!

The Wichtelei was fun and if you ever plan on something I'm happy again!

All the best

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all complete?

If anyone has any gnome package can unpack it, or even a response is missing please contact me!

It was a beautiful elf game and it has made it fun to organize - until next time.

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My Gnome package

love Susie!

I'm sorry that I show up here only now, but I have the last two days, unfortunately, not at all done to the laptop ... we are only Tuesday night came back from Saxony and there is much work waiting for us.

But the Gnome package I have already unpacked the middle of the night with great joy ... very many thanks for the beautiful embroidery and the delicious lavender sugar! The picture will get a nice place in the apartment.

Here are a few photos for everyone to look:

Nice, right?

Thanks again for this great elf action! :) Much love


PS: My Gnome child Daniela has not reported yet to ... I just hope, for the same reasons like me;)

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Still no response from my child Imp

Unfortunately, my elf child Kathy reported yet not at all and I'm wondering if she enjoyed my package might !?...

LG Susi

Thursday, September 3, 2009

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I'm back ....

and would like to thank you first!
at once Annette soap treasure! Thank you for your wonderful fragrant package. Our packages have determined all smelled good! Your package was presented to me by my daughter in Krhs. What a joy hmmmmmmmm a wonderful fragrance, especially there! The surprise is managed you. All these fine things - facial scrub, soap, shower cream and body lotion - I will certainly, in my aqua-fitness use from next week. For an hour the water does my skin some extra care.
course was the package for me a reminder .... au backe ... now I knew what I could not. If blood pressure gets mixed up, some moved into the background .. please excuse Susie, that you had to wait!
How good is it if you have daughters. Which can describe the way the Internet so they can make a report and also a pack and bring the package to the post. Thank you Sandra. The
Wichtelei - my first - was fun. It's nice to be with so many different "arts" wichtelt. Now a photo Estimate with Annette's coming soon for use.
Thank you, and also to Susie for the patience.


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Please do not panic ....... Elizabeth

My lavender pack came several weeks ago with me.
My invitation to the blog to write something
but disappeared in the WWW.
But now I want to talk about my
beautiful elf Packet .
A super nice cushion covered with lavender organza and embroidery,
a stitched boots, a bag filled to the brim with lavender flowers
- this scent is simply gorgeous,
lavender soap, beads / rickrack / bells
a scented pillow Hummel bee, lots
substances and do not forget a mini ball umfilzt
with a 3-d house. I'm huge I was happy about it.
THANK Elisabeth

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My package arrived today

Today was my Gnome package

It is Patch mouse and was delayed, because in KH is. Her daughter has, however, cared-thank you!

In the package were very nice things:
Tea, a candle, a little lavender pillows, a worm, a beautiful purses, bath salts and a nice bracelet (which fits perfectly with my new cardigan!

Everything is color coordinated nicely to each other, and the package has to open already smelled great!

Thank you for the nice package and continue to get well!


Bathroom Art Graffiti

My lavender packet

do not be surprised that I I only now reported. My package also arrived long ago and unpacked. I was left with no time to show you my beautiful gifts. In recent days I have a lot of work in the garden, among all my other appointments. Bärbel
love, thank you very much for great things. I was very pleased, and it smells sooo good.
I made the lavender elves a lot of fun.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

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I am overwhelmed

Dearest Karla ..... I am absolutely blown away by your dream package, I would like to register only now on strike because my camera, I will as soon as possible to insert the photo ....

The package has been really gigantic .... I thank you from my heart and I just got here .... join Sun spontanouesly vlg Jaik

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Large quilted wonder where the bear

By mistake I have made my post in my blog! If you do not mind, I visited there and read about my great surprise! photos of Monica's and my Wichtelei Monica has been set.
I wish everyone a good time and thank you for join me!
sincerely Claudine

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and my camera, I have still not found, but two baskets of ironing ;-)

I thank me first to thank Daniela for the magical lavender package for all the senses ;-) - a Photo is of course also filed later here.

Edit: Found camera and photographed the beautiful dream Wichtedinge. Thanks again Daniel!

Should I Wash My Clits

My Gnome packages :-)

Heidi (Caline) I was quite wonderful swap partner. I was especially happy about having to much trouble has been finding out what I like. And gestolptert on in my blog well over the cats Oscar and Emma. The book "holiday of a cat" is wonderful, the drawings in it are so great. I am just thrilled about it!
And then there was a beautiful grain cushions in the pack from the subject fabric. And to me, where I still have cold feet in bed as often - which is indeed now come to an end!
And that great smelling of lavender Luv is in my underwear drawer. I like it very much if the laundry smells slightly of lavender ...

love Heidi, with your nice card you have given me a great pleasure. It's a great Gnome packages have become - I thank you very much for that!


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My Secret Santa lavender

I would not deprive you of course ...

Many many thanks comes from Claudia's Creative Corner Mamalolo

my son is finally able to enjoy to bathe in a lavender bath ... He likes the smell so much .. Do not ask me why

- the image is uploaded correctly around, but it turns blogger? So I've
things now decorated in my tray, so they better be ready .. grrrr

Swollen Painful Toe After Pedicure


lunch because it's quite short before and I'm much used too much time on my blog to post from the elves land, here's just a short version ..... sorry!
(read if you want more, I refer to my blog like, there is also something of elves rose) claudine

and I have another swap partner .....!
love claudine thanks for your "superhärziges" liebevollst painted lavendelabwaschbürsteli and the wonderful fragrant lavender soap, it is my scenting linen before it comes into the soap dish.

claudine like pigs, so I packed in my gnome package something for Claudine's meeting.
Haeckel button depends on a self-made stitches in the round counter and felt "things" are not lavender flowers, but cherry-stones, which in winter can Claudine's hands warm.

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.... I was also my Unpacking gnome .....
A "Wow" and a "how beautiful," gushed just across the room .....

1000 thanks love MARTINA .

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

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Thank you, thank you and daaaaaaaaanke! Oh how

to Brigitte from the Deep South, she writes.
I was very happy about the beautiful things.
Very, very beautiful I think the wind light, a great idea.
may very well I also use the notebook because my old is already almost full. And since I
next week doing something for my fitness with aqua jogging, can I use the small shower gels, and the small bag for the Krimkrams fine. Thank
Thanks, Brigritte!

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schöööööön ..........

Dear Claudia,
I am blown away by this wonderful Gnome packages. Since I have your letter read yesterday morning, I was quite touched.
Thou hast made so many thoughts and lots of love with the gifts chosen and made. 1000 Thanks!
added All Claudia given me: lavender doll from Märchenwolle (so one thing I did I always wanted), lavender, chocolate from Lindt (mhh), delicious lavender tea, lavender-colored fabric, two self-woven "lavender bars" (known as the so- ?)
Baskets two-colored with lavender, crochet mushroom (great idea), Lavendelborte, audio book and beautifully written letter. Perhaps I should mention that the package dolle all smelled of lavender and added in the package and also in the envelope were all lavender flowers. Our vacuum cleaner smells wonderful now inside it. * G *

'm totally happy! You love a big cuddle from me Claudia.
Greetings Myri

PS: Is there really such soon to be a Christmas Secret Santa ....* FG * I think it is that is soooo awesome that people here come together, have different hobbies!!

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I've also unpacked

My Wichtelmum was Claudi and she gave me a marvelous beaded Taschenbaumler. In addition, there was still a
Lavendbild and a nice card.
your pearls spin inside are in my eyes real artists and have all my admiration.
Did I already picked out and what will soon make itself even with a bead rotation rate.

Dear Claudia, thank you for your great gifts, I'm so happy!

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Today was a beautiful day

Finally we were allowed our packet marvel open and what is there.
Nicole gave me a great heart and a felted flower. The strawberry jam I will enjoy tomorrow. Delicious.
But the biggest fun of the home-made soaps, creams and bath ball. Something totally fascinates me. Everything smells so wonderful.
thank you for that.