Sunday, July 26, 2009

Where Does Meagan Good Buy Her Hair

Treppencup and Hill Climb 25-26.07.2009

Yesterday I for the second time in Treppencup Partenen participated in and was able to offer my personal record by 4 minutes. I walked in the rain at the start and was able to adapt myself well to the weather and so I crossed the finish line in 36.48 minutes. Today, it went right on with the Hill Climb to Alpe Nova. A little tired from the day before I went to the starting line and noticed that I like a bit too fast the race I started, I took it out something like pace, and sailed to the finish evenly. I was able to offer my personal best also to 7 minutes. I have in my view a great weekend behind me and look forward to the M2 on Saturday.


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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Meagan Good Short Hairstyles On The Game

Highlander Marathon 19.07. 09

Today is the brother of my wife and I went for the first time at the Highlander marathon at the start. We started in rain by 7 clock in Hohenems in the direction Bödele. I was able to me my power so divided that I got no complaints and any problems there, further we drove back towards Riefensberg to Lingenau, Egg continues to Au. When we arrived after about 3.5 hours in Au we have strengthened us in the refreshment area and are the last but most severe altitude of Damüls broken for Furkajoch. After 5 hours we were at the Furka Pass, and had only to the valley before us and reached after 6:06 hours, the goal. It was a great race and I will probably next year also be back. I would also like to congratulate the organizers that they have organized this race so perfect.
129km / HM 2650


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tattoo On Male Genital

Team Sport Harry St. Gallen church
Tobias Jenny was on the 3rd weekend Chiba Alpencup win races in the Engadine. After 98km and 1600Hm he won the bunch sprint and was able to his lead in the overall standings to defend successfully. The Chiba Alpencup consists of 4 races in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In the first two races was unable to pick the silver coins rank 10 and 5th place. After the victory in the Engadin he emerges as overall leader of the Alpine Cup at the last race in Landeck. Moreover, it was also the 2nd Michael Saler Milka Hill Climb in the 3rd Bludenz Rank in the U23 class retract. Reinhard fields classified in the 1st Schuttanen Hill Climb at the 13th Rank in its class.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wild Boar Meat Ontario

first Schuttannen Hill Climb 07/11/2009

On Saturday I had the 1st Schuttannen Hill Climb participated. At first I went with some reluctance that I put the line was not, and have all said how steep this route is. That has to be true but I had no problems since I have as mentioned at the beginning of the race started a little looser. Unfortunately I missed last through the somewhat time but I am satisfied with my performance and I look forward next week in the High Country Hohenems. Soon Reinhard

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